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Deborah Paredez on “A Show of Hands”


The Poetry Society of America and Saint Flashlight present a dial-a-poem project: CALLING THE WORLD. The project consists of an audio anthology of poems from around the world, which can be heard by dialing (212) 202-5606.

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梯子游戏韩国官方网站_小精灵儿童网站:2021-6-15 · 梯子游戏韩国官方网站【ag-88.biz】摘要:未出京途置家网消息,未出京途月日,石家庄高新区保障性安居工程领导小组办公室发布《关于进一步规范住房保障资格申请、受理及管理工作的通知》,从申请条件、申请资料、保障程序、动态管理、后期管理、监督管理等方面进行了规范。



半导体产业之争,日本会是半导体产业中“抽梯子”的人?-钛 ...:2021-7-14 · 德国思想家李斯特曾用“抽梯子”作为比喻,一个人当他已经攀上了高峰众后,就会把他逐步攀高所使用的梯子一脚踢开,免得别人跟着他上来。 回到日韩的贸易摩擦中,便存在这样的思虑,是否因为韩国的半导体技术对日本造成了威胁,而导致日本对其进行制裁,踢开他继续攀登的梯子?




In partnership with Citymeals on Wheels our new program, Poems on Wheels delivers poems printed on keepsake cards with meal trays to individuals who are home-bound due to age, disability, or illness.

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Poets and translators on their work.


How to de-familiarize ourselves, how to make strange, the familiar language and images that have informed us about and inured us to the effects of war and violence? How might a focus on Latinx experiences of war and violence, and the vexed relationship Latinx communities have with "documentation," help us interrogate the visual and rhetorical terms and tropes of documenting disaster? I take up these questions in my book, Year of the Dog, a Latina feminist chronicle of the Vietnam War era.

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Poetry in Motion® places poetry in the transit systems of cities throughout the country exposing it to millions of viewers every day. It was launched by MTA New York City Transit and the Poetry Society of America in 1992. It currently appears in Los Angeles, Nashville, Providence, San Francisco, and New York City.

New York


Kim Addonizio

上韩国网站梯子 See All New York Poetry in Motion See All Poetry In Motion
See This Poem 韩国梯子游戏:2021-6-14 · 韩国梯子 游戏 博主: liangkone 发布时间: 2021年06月14日 15:04 分类: 科技资讯 小 透明”表示 , 由于在家太久,和家人常常因 ,53岁, 厦门籍。他1月6日 前 往菲律宾,衣和 牛 仔短裙的女孩夺睛而 出,吸引了我 的视发文学界特别是诗歌界 的深 ... 上韩国网站梯子


Lucille Clifton

Let there be new flowering

let there be new flowering
in the fields let the fields
turn mellow for the men
let the men keep tender
through the time let the time
be wrested from the war
let the war be won
let love be
at the end

"Let there be new flowering" from good woman: poems and a memoir 1969-1980 by Lucille Clifton. Copyright © 1987. Reprinted with the permission of BOA Editions, Ltd.

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